Copyright notice

The name of the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation, its logo, and all material on this site are the intellectual property of My Name’5 Doddie Foundation and subject to copyright or other intellectual property protections. All such intellectual property of My Name'5 Doddie Foundation, including its trademarks, names, copyright in all its material, registered designs, logos, and any other intellectual property rights derived from the aesthetics or functionality of this website remains the property of My Name'5 Doddie Foundation. By using this website you agree to respect the intellectual property rights of My Name'5 Doddie Foundation and will refrain from copying, downloading, transmitting, reproducing, printing, or exploiting for commercial purpose any material contained within this website except with the prior written consent of My Name'5 Doddie Foundation.

The name and the logo of My Name’5 Doddie Foundation may be copied for strictly charitable use only on the conditions that copyright and source indications are also copied, no modifications are made, the document is copied entirely, and that such use complies with the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation’s brand guidelines. However, some documents and photos have been published on this site with the permission of the relevant copyright owners (who are not My Name’5 Doddie Foundation). All rights are reserved on these documents and permission to copy them must be requested from the copyright owners.

Please report any suspected unauthorised use of the intellectual property of the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation (including without limitation its trademarks, trade names, and logo) to My Name’5 Doddie Foundation at

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