Motor neuron disease (MND) Research

Our Research Strategy

Our research strategy “Catalysing a Cure” outlines our continued commitment to our vision of a world free of MND.

It sets out our mission to fund, guide and enable the smartest, most efficient research to expedite the development of new treatments, and ultimately, a cure.

We will drive forward a focused portfolio of cutting-edge translational science, collaborate with all those who share our vision and encourage new ways of thinking to make faster progress. By involving people affected by MND in everything we do, we'll ensure they continue to guide our activities.

To hold ourselves to account, we have created the below Catalysing a Cure One Year Report to let you know what we’ve been up to, and give an update on the progress we have made towards our goals.

Our Framework for Success

Our Framework for Success

Our Strategic Priorities

Validate Therapeutic Targets

Validate Therapeutic Targets

We will support research that aims to identify and robustly validate new targets, prioritising those with the most potential to underpin future therapeutic approaches.

Accelerate New Treatments

Accelerate New Treatments

We invest in pre-clinical studies and clinical trials to drive forward the development of new treatments, and help to fast-track those with the most promise towards the clinic.

Improve Translation

Improve Translation

We encourage research that will improve the translation of scientific discoveries from the lab to the clinic including earlier detection and diagnosis, better biomarkers and patient stratification.

Find out what we’re funding under these priorities here.

Our Approach



In promising research through our competitive grant scheme and other strategic initiatives.



With all those who share our vision to pool funds and expertise, achieving greater impact together.



The political agenda and help shape the research landscape through our Scientific Advisory Meetings.



People affected by MND to ensure their needs are at the heart of all we do.

“Our research strategy ‘Catalysing a Cure’ is ambitious; it focuses on bringing new treatments to people living with MND, faster. It is underpinned by what matters most to our community and recognises that the people living with this devastating condition do not have time to wait. We believe that effective treatments to slow or stop disease progression aren’t too far away. By working closely with our remarkable research community and supporting the adoption of new approaches and ways of thinking, we will accelerate the journey towards making these treatments a reality.”

How We Developed our Research Strategy

Our strategy was developed in collaboration with over 100 people from all corners of the MND community, ensuring the needs and priorities of people affected by MND are at the heart of all our activities. You can find out more about how we developed our strategy here.

If you are someone affected by MND or someone working in MND research and want to get involved in any of our research activities, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch at

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