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Summit Special – David Dooher Climbs Ben Nevis with 100Kg on his back for My Name’5 Doddie

14 June 2023

David Dooher has successfully climbed Ben Nevis (UK’s highest mountain) with 100kg on his back in support of the Foundation and has raised an incredible total of around £23,000 so far.

David began climbing at 7pm on Wednesday 7 June, also his birthday (some birthday present!), and climbed for 16+ hours, reaching the summit of Ben Nevis on Thursday afternoon.

The herculean effort came after David spent six months training for the challenge, including carrying a 95kg weight up Ben Vorlich and 75kg up Ben Lomond.

David was assisted by a brilliant team of 17 people who provided much needed support and encouragement during his challenge, and we’d like to recognise their efforts too.

Speaking about his challenge, David said: “"It feels amazing to be finished - very sore and tiring - but amazing.

"I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tougher than expected, but this wasn't meant to be easy, and there was no greater motivator than who I'm doing this for: Doddie's memory and everyone affected by MND."

Paul Thompson, Director of Fundraising at My Name’5 Doddie Foundation added: “"We are blown away by David's efforts. His training alone is unthinkable. We are very grateful to him, and to everyone who has donated."

Donations are still flooding in and can be made via the JustGiving page.

David Dooher Climbing Ben Nevis for MND Research
Summit Special – David Dooher Climbs Ben Nevis with 100Kg on his back for My Name’5 Doddie
David climbing for MND research MND fundraiser climbing Ben Nevis David climbing Ben Nevis at night for MND research

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