Doddie'5 Virtual Birthday Ride 4th July
22 June 2020
22 June 2020
You can still get on your bike and support the Foundation on Doddie's 50th birthday, even though our planned Sunshine Ride has been cancelled because of the lockdown.
Doddie5 Ride 2020 has now gone Virtual on . Thanks to support from Portal Security the Doddie5 Virtual Ride will be held on Doddie5 50th birthday, July 4th 2020 at 9.00am. You can cycle 50 miles to celebrate Doddie5 50th. Other distances are 25, 75 & 100 miles. The event is free but we would ask each participant to donate a minimum of £20 to the charity, just go to the link.
There will be spot prizes including T-shirts and 20 free entries to the Doddie5 Ride 2021.
#BePartoftheCure and raise funds for Doddie5 Foundation.