MND charities update on MIROCALS data
27 February 2024
27 February 2024
We have today written a joint letter with MND Scotland and MND Association to regulators to alert them to the imminent publication of data from the MIROCALS trial and to arrange a meeting to fully brief them on the study and its potential implications.
We have also written to ILTOO Pharma strongly encouraging them to work urgently and proactively with regulators to expedite market authorisation through all available routes, if the results are positive. The aim is to ensure the drug, if proven effective, gains licensing and regulatory approval as soon as possible.
In the event of publication of positive results of the full MIROCALS trial, we will be united with healthcare professionals in assisting our community with access as appropriate and make every effort to get people with MND access to low-dose interleukin-2 / aldesleukin (Proleukin, the form of the drug used in the trial) through all available pathways.