What's on

Nick Heath Takes Over The Hot Seat

15 June 2020

What is your Friday night Tipple? Whatever it is enjoy it when you sign into the Great Rugby Gen!us Quiz every Friday at 7.30pm.

Great Rugby Gen!us Quiz #8

Help support the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation by joining the quiz to test your rugby knowledge and having some ‘Lockdown fun’.

We have the well-known commentator Nick Heath hosting the penultimate quiz in the June Series. Nick hosts weekly quiz nights on a Wednesday & Saturday so as an expert at the talking to a screen!

Nick will be testing your rugby knowledge alongside Sporting Knowledge.

Joining the quiz is free to participate however we encourage a small donation paid via the Pay Pal account.

Anyone who donates will be entered into the “June Lock Down Series” prize draw to win a signed B&I Lions Jersey from the 2017 Tour…

Prizes for the best scores on the night will win some Gen!us Beer and goodies.

To join go to the YouTube Channel on Friday 19th June at 7.30pm.

Stay Safe.

Remember you can also order online your Gen!us Beer… 

My Name'5 Doddie Foundation Logo - Motor Neurone Disease Charity
Nick Heath Takes Over The Hot Seat

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