30 Mile Walk for Our Mate Pat
Wednesday 01 May 2024 to Thursday 02 May 2024
Motor neuron disease (MND) a horrific disease brought to the wider public attention over the last few years by the late great Doddie Weir, the incredible Rob Burrow and the herculean efforts of Kevin Sinfield.
Imagine then when ‘our mate Pat’ Keenan was diagnosed with this horrendous infliction- wow what a bombshell !! Pat ? that gentle but determined guy we have known over 30 years, the petrol head with a passion for Guinness – that can’t be right ?
Then it started to become more evident and although he is fighting it with every breath, it has really and obviously taken its toll on him and his family.
Having lunch with Pat a couple of years ago it rattled us to the core when he said, “ I can’t catch my son jumping off the stairs anymore”.
It is a bit pathetic in the scheme of things, but we have decided we are doing a 30-mile walk (no doubt the challenge of a few Guinness and maybe the odd baby ones) in support of ‘our mate Pat’ at the beginning of May. We are starting on Wednesday 1st May at St George St (Hanover Square) where Pat started his career at the then named Healey & Baker, then on to Berkeley Square House where ‘our mate Pat’ started his second job at Churston Heard (we can’t visit every office he worked in-we would never get out of London????). Over a period of two days, we will then make our way to Bray to meet ‘our mate Pat’ for a few more Guiness, assuming he is well enough to do so.