Wednesday 07 June 2023
In 2016, sixteen cars set off from Reigate, each costing no more than £500 and each faced with a near 1500km drive through the heart of France! A 3 day epic journey, raising well over £80,000 for charity struck fear into the heart of every driver - would their fine steed make it through the night and day that followed? And here we go again, with a twist......
On 7th June 2023, at 17.30, fifteen cars, all soft tops, all costing less than £1000, will depart from Old Reigatians Rugby Club, Park Lane in Reigate, heading for Portsmouth and the overnight ferry to St Malo.
Cars can ONLY be driven with the roof down, come rain or shine. So, drivers, pack your raincoats and your parasols!! The whole trip, every single cost, is being covered by the drivers which means that EVERY SINGLE PENNY raised goes directly to our 4 chosen charities.
You can donate to their challenge here: https://www.givewheel.com/fundraising/927/dash-to-the-med-2
