Izzy's Ultra-X 50km
Sunday 07 May 2023
Loch Ness, Scotland
On 7th May, Izzy will be running the Ultra-X 50km in Scotland.
Below Izzy describes the challenge, in their own words.
I’m a Doctor, who, having worked in the NHS as well as for Wembley Stadium, Air Ambulance Trusts and more recently for ultra runners in Jordan last year, have decided its my turn to give the race a go and do my part in raising money for this incredible cause. So, after a few months of training and the very real concern that I have never done an Ultra Marathon before (and come to think of it have also never done a regular marathon) - I'm going to be on the start line somewhere near Loch Ness on May 7th.
So this is going to be a challenge. A big, long, hilly challenge. A 50km, 1381m elevation, big, long, hilly challenge, to be precise.
I would say wish me luck, but please, don't. Instead, please please consider donating to support My Name'5 Doddie, through my JustGiving page. It's a fantastic charity that we've been growing more and more connections to over the last few years and something that I'd love to help spread more awareness about and to support in any way that I can.
Also - a HUGE shoutout to The MND Tee for some gorgeous garments all raising awareness for the MND community.

Loch Ness, Scotland